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Mr. Dmitry Zhdanov

Curriculum Vitae


  1. A.A.AEaaiia, A.A.A?eoaiei, A.I.Caaeia, "Naeaeoey iieaeoe ii eo i?eaioaoee i?e niaianoiii aaenoaee eaca?iiai e yeaeo?inoaoe?aneiai iieae", AEYOO, No. 8 (2006) [a ia?aoe].
    D.V.Zhdanov, B.A.Grishanin, V.N.Zadkov, "Selection of molecules according to their orientation at the joint action of laser and electrostatic fields", JETP, No. 8 (2006). [in print]
  2. B.A.Grishanin, H. Takahashi, Yu. Vladimirova, D.Zhdanov, V.Zadkov, "Laser coherent control of an ensemble of randomly oriented chiral molecules", Proceedings of the IVth Int. Symp. on Modern Problems of Laser Physics, August 22-27, 2004, Novosibirsk, Russia (Novosibirsk, 2005), Eds. S.N.Bagayev, P.V.Pokasov, pp.444-449.
  3. B.A.Grishanin, H. Takahashi, Yu. Vladimirova, D.Zhdanov, V.Zadkov, "Laser coherent control of an ensemble of randomly oriented chiral molecules", Laser Physics, 15(9), 1247-1251 (2005).
  4. B.A.Grishanin, H. Takahashi, Yu. Vladimirova, D.Zhdanov, V.Zadkov, "Laser coherent control of an ensemble of randomly oriented chiral molecules", Proceedings of the IVth Int. Symp. on Modern Problems of Laser Physics, August 22-27, 2004, Novosibirsk, Russia (Novosibirsk, 2005), Eds. S.N.Bagayev, P.V.Pokasov, pp.444-449.
  5. B.A.Grishanin, H. Takahashi, Yu. Vladimirova, D.Zhdanov, V.Zadkov, "Laser coherent control of an ensemble of randomly oriented chiral molecules", Laser Physics, 15(9), 1247-1251 (2005).
  6. Yu.V.Vladimirova, B.A.Grishanin, D.V.Zhdanov, V.N.Zadkov, and H.Takahashi, "Laser asymmetric synthesis of enantiomers of hydrogen peroxide molecules from a racemic mixture without preliminary molecular orientation", Bulletin of Moscow State Univ, Ser. 3. Physics. Astronomy. No. 6, 37-41 (2005)
    ?.A.Aeaaeie?iaa, A.A.A?eoaiei, A.A.AEaaiia, A.I.Caaeia, O.Oaeaoaoe, "Aiciiaeiinou eaca?iiai aneiiao?e?iiai neioaca iieaeoe ia?aeene aiai?iaa ec ?aoaie?aneie niane aac eo i?aaaa?eoaeuiie i?eaioaoee", Aanoiee IAO. Na?ey 3. Oeceea. Ano?iiiiey. No. 6, 37-41 (2005).
  7. Yu.V.Vladimirova, B.A.Grishanin, D.V.Zhdanov, V.N.Zadkov, H.Takahashi, "Laser coherent control of chiral states in nonoriented molecules", in: Technical Digest of International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics (ICONO-2005), May 11-15, 2005, St. Petersburg, Russia, p. IFO2 (2005). [POSTER]
  8. V. N. Zadkov, B.A.Grishanin, J.Vladimirova, D.Zhdanov, and H.Takahashi, “Asymmetric laser synthesis of chiral molecules from a racemic solution”, in Technical Digest of 2nd Photonics and Laser Symposium, 23-25 February 2005, Kajaani, Finland, Eds Juha Kalliokoski and Kyosti KArttunen, ISBN 951-42-7654-X, pp. 54-55 (1995) [INVITED].
  9. J.Vladimirova, B.Grishanin, D. Zhdanov, V.Zadkov, "Laser coherent control of an ensemble of randomly oriented chiral molecules", IV International Symposium on Modern Problems of Laser Physics, August 22-27, 2004, Novosibirsk, Russia (Digest, p.281) [POSTER].


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